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List of contacts

Do you have any questions about ZB MED`s services or the range of literature we offer? Or maybe you need some tips on how to run searches in LIVIVO?

Phone: +49 (0)221 478-5685

Cologne Site

Medicine and Health

ZB MED – Information Centre for Life Sciences
Gleueler Straße 60
50931 Cologne (Köln)

Bonn Site

Nutritional, Environmental and Agricultural Sciences

ZB MED – Information Centre for Life Sciences
Friedrich-Hirzebruch-Allee 4
53115 Bonn




An infrastructure and research centre for data and information in the life sciences.

Our vision:

Harnessing research and infrastructure to empower people and benefit the environment.

Foundation Council

Members of the Foundation Council eligible to vote (§ 6 Absatz 1-4, ZB MED-Satzung)

1.) Land North Rhine-Westphalia Dr. Michael H. Wappelhorst (Vorsitz),
MKW, RL 313 (WGL)
2.) Bund (BMG) Dr. David Herr (stv. Vorsitz),
BMG, RL 6 (Ressortforschung)
3.) University of Cologne Prof. Dr. Claus Cursiefen, Prorektor für Forschung
4.) University of Bonn Prof. Dr. Andreas Zimmer,
Prorektor für Forschung und Innovation
5.) Technische Hochschule Köln
Prof. Dr. Stefan Herzig, 
6.) Open Source Business Alliance e.V.   Dr. Manuela Urban,
Co-Leader / COO Sovereign Cloud Stack
7.) N.N. derzeit vakant wg. Nichterfüllung § 2 Abs. 1 LGG NRW


Advisory members of the Foundation Council (§ 6 Absatz 5 ZB MED-Satzung)

Director Prof. Dr. Dietrich Rebholz-Schuhmann
Deputy Director (provisional) Prof. Dr. Juliane Fluck
Finance and Commercial Director N.N.
Chairman of the Scientific Advisory Council (provisional) Dr. Jochen Johannsen
RWTH Aachen
1. person, appointed on the proposal of the staff council Martina Rabente,
Chairman of the staff council
2. person, appointed on the proposal of the staff council Uwe Meyeringh, ver.di Landesbezirk Nordrhein-Westfalen
Equal Opportunities Officer Vanessa Scharf