ZB MED – Information Centre for Life Sciences is committed to a future-oriented corporate culture that focuses on equal opportunities. ZB MED’s progress in implementing gender equality was recognised in 2010, 2013, 2017, 2021 – and again in 2024 – by the TOTAL E-QUALITY award.
Every career goes through stages in which family issues become more challenging. The job of an Equal Opportunities Officer is to create the right conditions to ensure that employees can achieve the right balance between their career and their personal life. That’s why we support all our employees – whatever their gender – in relation to their performance, motivation, qualifications and career opportunities.
The aim of ZB MED's gender equality policy is to ensure that men and women can conduct their working lives on an equal footing. To achieve this goal, ZB MED has introduced a number of measures to help people achieve a sustainable work-life balance, including:
- qualified part-time positions and job sharing
- flexible worktime models and the ability to credit overtime to a time bank
- alternative telework and home office options
- emergency childcare facilities
- support in returning to a career after a period of absence
- in-house events on the topic of gender equality
- career-related mentoring and coaching.

ZB MED is a signatory to the German "Joint Declaration on Family as a Success Factor" (PDF, German only)